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Gay Ministries' Workshop on Adoption
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"Adoption Workshop" - The Gay Ministries Committee of the Council of Churches offers a workshop about Adoption on Wednesday, May 10, 2pm at 1710 Moorpark Ave. in San Jose. Carol Brown from Family Builders by Adoption will speak about adoptions involving the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. She will also have general information for anyone interested in adoption. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge.


Almaden Hills UMC - Church of the Month!
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Each month we will celebrate one of our member congregations with a special story! This month it is Almaden Hills United Methodist Church. Almaden Hills UMC is led by Pastor Carole L. Vincent, who joined as pastor in July, 2005. Congregational worship is her passion and the highlight of her week. Carole is helping the congregation celebrate their 45th anniversary this month. Click "Read More" to learn more about the festivities!

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Bag it!

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Second Harvest Food Bank's Operation Brown Bag Program provides low income seniors with a weekly bag of groceries at distribution sites throughout Santa Clara County. They are looking for a host site on Tuesday mornings from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in Sunnyvale.

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Declaration of Peace Event

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Join Fr. Louis Vitale to learn more about this proposal for bold, powerful and peaceful steps to help establish a comprehensive withdrawal plan. A longtime social activist, Louie co-founded the Nevada Desert Experience, a movement to end nuclear testing. He served 13 years as pastor of St. Boniface Catholic Church in the Tenderloin and recently completed a six-month sentence for nonviolent action to close the School of the Americas/WHINSEC at Ft. Benning, Georgia.

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D. A. Candidates & The Death Penalty

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Find out where candidates running for District Attorney of Santa Clara County stand on a moratorium for the death penalty and where you can find out more about the candidates!

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What Would Jesus Do? Join the Parade!

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What Would Jesus Do?
Join the Parade! Bless the Children! Love Everybody!

The Council of Churches of Santa Clara County is proud to have a contingent in the Los Altos High School "Celebrate Diversity" Gay Straight Alliance Parade. The parade is coming up on Sunday, June 4th.

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Celebrate Gay Pride Weekend: June 9-11, 2006

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The Council of Churches of Santa Clara County invites you to participate with us in the Gay Pride Weekend Events, June 9-11 in San Jose.
• See the film "God and Gays: Bridging the Gap" on Friday, June 9th, 7pm at the First Congregational Church of San Jose.
• Join in our "Celebration of Spirit Worship Service" on Saturday, June 10th, 10am with the theme "Traveling Mercies." This year marks the 15th annual Celebration in Spirit service!
• March with the Council in the Gay Pride Parade, Sunday, June 11th, 11am.
• Support the Council of Churches booth at the Gay Pride Festival, Sat & Sun, June 10-11, 11:30am-8pm at Guadalupe River Park Discovery Meadow.

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Open the Window, Let the Dove Fly In: Resources for Da Vinci Code Discussion

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Why should we join in the pre- and post-movie dialogue about "The Da Vinci Code"? As people and as Christians, we are called to leave the window to our mind open so that we can receive wisdom and grace, even if it involves acknowledging the dark and painful or even the intellectual, or thinking areas of our lives and our world. The release of the film is not just another movie venture, but rather a priceless opportunity for meaningful, even profound, dialogue about Christianity, religion, money, power, sexuality, philosophy, and theology. It is also an opportunity to envision,and give voice to, progressive Christian ideas about Christ and the Church.

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Mother's Day for Peace

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The Council of Churches of Santa Clara County invites you to join us in celebrating Mother's Day for Peace. To this end, you can find links to approriate materials, - inlcuding a Mothers Day sermon by Jerry Fox based on I John 4 (lectionary) as well as lectionary notes that might prompt some good Bible study in preparation for Sunday, - by clicking on "read more". In addittion, you can learn about the Mother of Mother's Day, Julia Ward Howe and her call for "A Mother's Day of Peace" in the General News article, "The Mother of Mother's Day"

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World Council of Churches Ecumenical Service - San Jose!

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Experience the World Council of Churches right here in San Jose!

The U.S. Conference of the World Council of Churches will meet in San Jose May 11-13, and will host an ecumenical service on Thursday, May 11, 7:15pm, inviting the public to join them. It will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 566 North 5th Street in San Jose.

There will also be a discussion on the 9th Assembly on Friday, May 12th, 7pm at the Saint Clarie Hotel in San Jose.

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