The Council of Churches of Santa Clara County invites you to join us in celebrating Mother's Day for Peace. To this end, you can find links to approriate materials, - inlcuding a Mothers Day sermon by Jerry Fox based on I John 4 (lectionary) as well as lectionary notes that might prompt some good Bible study in
preparation for Sunday, - by clicking on "read more". In addittion, you can learn about the Mother of Mother's Day, Julia Ward Howe and her call for "A Mother's Day of Peace" in the General News article, "The Mother of Mother's Day"
Here is the motherload of Mother's Day Resources! Simply click on document titles to connect to the appropriate attachment and enjoy!
1) a beautiful insert on "The Mother of Mother's Day" (This can also be used as a bulletin cover)
2) worship resources based on lectionary readings and Mothers Day for Peace theme
3) a Mothers Day sermon by Jerry Fox based on I John 4 (lectionary)
4) brief notes on lectionary texts for a Mothers Day for Peace emphasis.
Jerry's sermon is very inspiring to read, and the lectionary notes might prompt some good Bible study in preparation for hearing the sermon this Sunday.
You may also want to visit our General News Section to view "The Mother of Mother's Day" article on Julia Ward Howe.