What Would Jesus Do?
Join the Parade! Bless the Children! Love Everybody!
The Council of Churches of Santa Clara County is proud to have a contingent in the Los Altos High School "Celebrate Diversity" Gay Straight Alliance Parade. The parade is coming up on Sunday, June 4th.
Parade starts at 12 Noon; Participants to gather at 11:30 am at the Assembly Area on North Piz Street between 3rd and 4th Streets in Los Altos
The goal of the parade is "to provide a forum for the community to support our high school students. Kindness and respect have a very positive effect on the mental health of those who find themselves in a minority group with respect to sexual orientation." It is especially important that members of the religious community be present to express the wonderful love of God for all people. While we realize this is a Sunday (and Pentecost!) -- this seems like a great way to celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit! EVERYONE is important. The route is only 15 minutes of slow walking, with a few speeches - mostly students - no more than 30 minutes - afterwards.
Can you join us? A head count would be helpful, so please contact Derrick Kikuchi (board member) at derrick@councilofchurches-scc.org and let him know that you can come. We are group #23. Look for that number in the assembly area.
Foothills Congregational Church of Los Altos will have its own contingent, and 1 or 2 other Los Altos churches may join in. You are invited to (but you do not need to) bring a banner or sign with the name of your church on it, or a positive, respectful message about Jesus' love and justice. We will have one poster identifying us all as part of the Council of Churches. Gracious, courteous and respectful behavior is expected from all. I understand there may be a church youth group contingent, so if you have youth who would like to march with that group, please let us know and we'll make the connection for them. Parking information follows.
· Parking:
The preferred parking areas available on parade day are between First and Second Streets west of State Street and off Edith just SW of the Edith/San Antonio Road intersection. You will not be able to drive out on 4th Street or 3rd Street.
Come, join the parade!!