Join Fr. Louis Vitale to learn more about this proposal for bold, powerful and peaceful steps to help establish a comprehensive withdrawal plan. A longtime social activist, Louie co-founded the Nevada Desert Experience, a movement to end nuclear testing. He served 13 years as pastor of St. Boniface Catholic Church in the Tenderloin and recently completed a six-month sentence for nonviolent action to close the School of the Americas/WHINSEC at Ft. Benning, Georgia.
Don’t miss this opportunity to talk with an important leader in the nonviolent movement, Franciscan Priest, Friar Louis Vitale. He will be speaking at Transfiguation Episcopal Church (3900 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo) the evening of Monday, June 5, at 7:30 pm.
This event is sponsored by the San Mateo Network of Spiritual Progressives.
The Declaration of Peace is a commitment to take nonviolent steps for a comprehensive, concrete, and rapid end to the war in Iraq. With nearly seventy percent of the people of the United States supporting an end to the war, there is a growing call to bring the troops home now. Together, people of faith and people of conscience have the power to declare a new era of peace and justice. For more information see

Freewill offerings to support the Declaration of Peace will be gratefully received. For more information, contact: Anne Carey, 415-238-0704,