One of the best ways the Council can support the ministries of pastors who work long hours and give so much to their congregations is for us to offer them a time of refreshemnt, reflection and renewal on a regular basis. Starting September 20, 2006 Rev. Margo Tenold, Co-Executive Director of the Council, will lead twice-monthly meetings offering pastors the opportunity to experience different styles of prayer and then reflect on their experience with others in a small group.
Margo has a Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary, has completed the Upper Room's Two-Year Academy for Spiritual Formation, has taken the Nine-Month Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius at Mercy Center (Burlingame) and has led a Five-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation. After spending a week in Berkeley taking the "Pray Like a Mystic" class, Margo found the experience so refreshing that she decided to offer something similar to pastors right here in the South Bay.
There will be six sessions, ending right before Advent. Los Altos United Methodist Church has graciously offered the use of their facilities. The group will meet there in the Garden Room from 9:30 to 11:30. The fee will be on a sliding scale.

For questions or to reserve a place in the group, contact Margo at or at the Council offices 408-297-2660.