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Death Penalty Concerns

On December 13, 2005 (the day of the senseless execution of Stanley "Tookey" Williams), the Board of Directors of the Council of Churches of Santa Clara County voted unanimously once again to support a moratorium on the death penalty in Cailfornia. On December 15, 2005, by a vote of 30-6, New Jersey Senate passed a bi-partisan bill to temporarily suspend all executions in the state and to examine flaws in the death penalty system. California can do the same!

What you can do:

1. Contact Governor Schwarzenegger to urge that he suspend all executions. Simply tell him who you are, what your concern is (request - at least - a moratorium on all executions), and why. Include the fact that you are a person of faith, and how that influences your thinking.
Write to:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Call: 916-445-2841

2. Contact your State Assemblymember and urge him/her to pass the "California Moratorium on Executions Act" (AB 1121) immediately. Again, simply state who you are, request support for AB 1121, and say why you believe this is important. Include the fact that you are a person of faith, and how that influences your thinking. Look up your representative easily at or call 916-319-2856 for assistance.

There are two presentation materials that we can send you. One is a video "Interview With an Executioner" which is 13 mins and deals with a warden's crisis of conscience experienced because of carrying out the death penalty. The cost is $8.00. We also have a CD which is a Power Point presentation on death penalty and the Bible, which costs $4.00.

Click here for prayers to consider using (requires Acrobat).

For more information please send enquiries to:

Terry McCaffrey (a member of our Board of Directors)
11154 La Paloma Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: 408-257-4611

For more information about the death penalty visit


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