ࡱ> ?A>a jbjb,, AJNN tttttttNNNNjz }}},0 R  t}["}}} tt4 }:tttttt}tt~ p3N:J 0z   tNNMay 13, 2006 Dear Welcoming Church Leader, Gay Pride Weekend is June 9-11. Join us in celebrating Gods welcome! Giving praise to God for our human diversity, the Council of Churches of Santa Clara County, First Congregational Church of San Jose, and other local welcoming churches invite you and your church to join us for several faith-filled Pride Weekend activities: God and Gays: Bridging the Gap Friday, June 9th, 7:00 p.m. Screening & discussion with the filmmakers First Congregational Church of San Jos 1980 Hamilton Avenue (at Leigh), San Jos Watch and discuss this powerful documentary created by Santa Cruz filmmakers Luane Beck and Kim Clark. God and Gays recently premiered to sold-out audiences at the Cinequest film festival, and is now being shown across the country at local screenings. The filmmakers will be present to discuss the film. Sponsored by the Gay Ministry Committee of the Council of Churches of Santa Clara County. Celebration in Spirit Worship Service Saturday, June 10th, 10:00 a.m. Traveling Mercies: Strength for our Faith Walk as the LGBT and Ally Community First Congregational Church of San Jos 1980 Hamilton Avenue (at Leigh), San Jos This year marks the 15th annual Celebration in Spirit worship. Our speaker this year is the Rev. Bran Scott, the first out transsexual ordained in the United Church of Christ. We will begin with a processional of open and affirming clergy, and end by honoring local community leaders. Sponsored by the Gay Ministry Committee of the Council of Churches of Santa Clara County. San Jose Gay Pride Festival Saturday & Sunday, June 10th & 11th, 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Guadalupe River Park Discovery Meadow 80 Woz Way (at San Carlos), San Jos The Council of Churches is sponsoring a booth at this years Gay Pride Festival. We would be glad to display your churchs information at our booth. We are also looking for representatives from various churches to staff the booth and answer questions. To participate in either way, please contact Rev. Mike Ellard at (408) 607-5471 or RevMikeEllard@mccsj.org. Saturday is a community day in the park with family activities, pickup volleyball, bingo, local entertainers and DJs sponsored by the First Congregational Church of San Jos. Gay Pride Parade Sunday, June 11th, 11 a.m. Market Street, San Jos Show your pride as a welcoming church by walking with the Council of Churches contingent, and then spend your afternoon at the festival! We will gather at the Victory Parking lot at 64 North Market Street in San Jose. The parade organizers have asked us to be there by 9:30am. The parade will step off at 11:00am. For more information, contact Rev. Mike Ellard at RevMikeEllard@mccsj.org or (408) 607-5471. Lets give thanks to God for our wholeness as people of faith. Encourage your church to attend these important opportunities for witness and spiritual renewal. Hope to see you all there, The Gay Ministry Committee of the Council of Churches of Santa Clara County .89?tu&)9Q]yz)5E d e Ƽxpd[h|6CJaJhZh|6CJaJh|CJaJh)h|6CJaJh)h|CJaJh/h|6h)h|6h)h|5hL h|5>*H*hL h|5>*h5Bh|5>*hZh|CJ aJ hL h|>*h/h|5 h|5hO?h|5jh|UmHnHuh|" -.uvyz 45  V ~ " # { $a$gd|  V ! 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